Tuesday, September 10, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 9-10-24

 Ha! I put a lot of stuff on last week's list. No way I got it all done, but I did made a good attempt. Here's my results.

1) Bind two quilts. No, although I got the binding made for two projects.
2) Quilt three quilts. Yes. As a matter of fact, I did four. 

3) Julie’s tee shirt quilt. No
4) Catch up on BOM’s. Yes. 

5) Play with the potato chip blocks and the 5” squares. Yes. No significant progress, but I did complete a few more blocks, working on them as leaders and enders.
6) Borders for June workshop quilt. I found the nine patch blocks I made for the borders, so I should be able to make progress on it. Yes. 
It's not quite what I wanted, and I am thinking I will take the side borders off and do something else. 
7) Stuff some of the pumpkins I sewed. No. 
8) Work on the pincushion kit I bought. Yes. 

9) Replace borders on raffle quilt. Not quite. I got the old borders taken off, and I got the new ones cut out, but they haven't actually made it onto the quilt yet. This is a have-to-do this week.

It looks like Number 9 on last week's list needs to be number 1 on this week's list.

1) Replace borders on raffle quilt and get it quilted.
2) Quilt three customer quilts.
3) Work on the borders for the June workshop quilt.
4) Bind sweatshirt jacket.
5) Stuff some pumpkins. 🎃 

Well, that’s enough for now. There are three or four in-town volleyball games this week, today is quilting at the church with a WELCA meeting/luncheon after, two quilt guild meetings on Thursday, and a doctor appointment tomorrow. And, that’s just the things I can remember off the top of my head. Oh, my CPA called, and I am missing some documentation in the paperwork I turned in last month, so I need to look for that. 

Have a good week everyone. I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Caught Up

I’m not caught up with everything, unfortunately, but I did catch up on the BOM’s from A Quilting Life.
This is the June block. Not a very good picture with the shadow, and I didn’t bother to edit it.

I like the July block with the Dutchman’s puzzle block in the middle. She didn’t call it that, but that’s what I know it as.

This is August. 

And, September. I am officially caught up. I had made a deal with myself that I wouldn’t start the Women of the Bible blocks until I got caught up on these, and now I am.

I also caught up on laundry, but not yard work or house cleaning. Yeah, it never ends. It’s looking like another busy week, so I will need to stay focused. I did get another customer quilt done, and it is a pretty one.
I really like it. She called it Mosaic, but I think it looks just like the stained glass windows at the church. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

The weather was a little cooler yesterday. I think we had a small front as it was also windy with some scattered showers. 

It is nice, but it won’t last. 

I got a lot done this week, but I wasn’t in the mood to do much yesterday, so I drove over to Yorktown. I recently found out about the Women of the Bible Quilt blocks; apparently the patterns were released about eight years ago, but I just recently saw one, and I really liked it. 

It turns out the Yorktown quilt shop owner has made four of them, so I called her about getting the pattern. The patterns are only available for download now for about $20, but she downloaded them for me and had them bound into this nice book. 

It’s so nice, and each block has supplemental info about each woman with a devotion prompt. I think I will enjoy working on it, although it won’t be a short-term project.

I also bought a layer cake and some pretty postcard fabric while I was at the shop.

I had picked up this fabric in Richmond, and I wanted to use it for a border with a scrappy project. 
I got the layer cake to supplement my other scraps, and I think I will use the scrap crazy templates. I really like that border fabric. So many colors of scraps will work with it. 

Speaking of Richmond, I finished the little pincushion kit I got there. 

I also finished Kathryn’s overalls, and I was glad to get my part done.

They need a little more, but she is going to do that herself.  

Today I would like to cut out the scrap crazy blocks, or at least start on it. I should be able to, but I need to finish quilting a customer quilt first. I also have some binding I need to do, so we’ll see.

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Thursday already! This week is flying by. The weather alternates between hot and sunny to gloomy and threatening to rain. There were a few showers this week, but they didn't last long. Rainy weather always gives me a headache, and this time the headaches were accompanied by vertigo. I made it to exercise class yesterday morning, but any sort of fast bending and straightening made me feel like I was going to fall over. I ended up just sort of doing my own thing. 

The weather and the vertigo is preventing me from doing yard work, but there is still plenty to do. I am continuing to work on the overalls. 

I would like to think I will be finished soon. She needs them tomorrow for the pep rally and the football game, but I still need to add the ruffles to the bottom of the hems. I think I can get it done today, and if she wants any changes, she will have to do them herself. I hope to get a picture of them once they are completely finished.

I have lots of customer quilts to finish and got a few done this week. The quilt show is coming up in three weeks, and that always causes a rush for me. I did a couple on Monday

and another on Tuesday.
I finished one on Wednesday and started another, but I don't have pictures yet. 

I was feeling motivated to work on my quilt from the June workshop and did a little in the evenings. This one:

I was happy to find the nine patches I had made for the borders; I found 10 and for some reason I thought I needed 14, so I made four extra. I got 10 of them sewn on the top and bottom.

I am thinking of a way to use the extra four nine-patches, but I think I will need to make two more. That will be the next order of business on this top. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 9-3-24


I’m back for another to-do-list Tuesday after missing a few weeks. It’s still hit and miss, but even a little progress is worth celebrating. Here’s the last list:

1) Bind two quilts. I did one.

2) Quilt three quilts. Yes. 

3) Julie’s tee shirt quilt. No.
4) Catch up on BOM’s. Unfortunately, no. 
5) Play with the potato chip blocks and the 5” squares I cut last week. Yes. I’ve been having fun playing with the potato chips with the light backgrounds and the black backgrounds. 

The 5” squares were combined with some of my strips to make quarter log cabin-ish blocks. 

I’m thinking my new list will be pretty much a repeat of the last with a few additions.
1) Bind two quilts.
2) Quilt three quilts.
3) Julie’s tee shirt quilt.
4) Catch up on BOM’s.
5) Play with the potato chip blocks and the 5” squares.
6) Borders for June workshop quilt. I found the nine patch blocks I made for the borders, so I should be able to make progress on it.
7) Stuff some of the pumpkins I sewed.
8) Work on the pincushion kit I bought.
9) Replace borders on raffle quilt.

Wow, that’s a lot! It’s more of an inspiration than a goal, so I will see what gets done. I shouldn’t have too many other things on the schedule this week, so I can pick and choose what I want to work on. 

Have a good week everyone. I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Playing Catch Up

So, I got behind on things while I was sick. No surprise, and it took me a little bit to feel semi-energetic again. This week has gone pretty well, and I’m trying to catch up on all the things I am behind on.  Besides working on Kathryn’s overalls, I got some quilts done. This sea turtle one:
The back is tropical fish.
Another sea turtle quilt:
The back on this one is sea turtles and manatees.
The lady these belong to made them for the twin beds in her sister’s beach house. I quilted a queen sized sea turtle one for her several months ago.

I put binding on this one:
I’m not the one who quilted it, and I didn’t notice it wasn’t straight until I had the binding on. It’s the thick, fuzzy fabric, so maybe that was a problem. I’m not really sure what happened. 

I also got a Christmas top quilted. 

I will need to get the binding put on it. I was thinking black binding, but now I’m leaning more toward red. I think that would give it more of a Christmas feel. 

Every morning when I get to my shop, these two are waiting for me. 
I really don’t think of myself as a cat person, but they are so cute. They wait for me to pet them before they start eating, and the orange one purrs really loudly. 

After all that, I went home yesterday and started cleaning the house. I like to do the bulk of the cleaning on Friday afternoon /evening so I have all weekend to enjoy a clean house. I still need to do a couple of loads of laundry. I’m going to try and do that this afternoon and maybe mow the grass. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Under the Weather

I came down with some kind of bug last week.....Covid is going around again, so naturally, I assumed that's what I had. The symptoms seemed to be the same as the other time I had it. I isolated myself at home and slept a lot. On Saturday, I did a Covid test, and it was negative, so I'm not sure what I had. I was feeling quite a bit better by Monday, although still a little run down. 

Needless to say, I haven’t done much, but I have been working some on Kathryn’s overalls. I got the letters stitched down on the front.

The back is fused, but not stitched yet.
The back pockets are pinned on.

The first football game is this Friday; I’m not sure I can get these ready by then, but of course I’ll try. I have a lot of things I need to catch up on this week like laundry and cleaning. And of course, the yard. Wish me luck!