I have quilty friends who can’t stand having more than a few UFO’s. I really don’t have an issue with it. Well, make that most of the time. It sometimes gets a little overwhelming. I get bored with the same thing over and over. I like to jump around a bit. Sometimes I want complicated piecing that requires a lot of concentration, and sometimes I just want to sew without too much thought. Some UFO’s, like this one

are ongoing. When I have some scraps left from a project I trim them down into 5” squares, 2.5” squares or 2” squares. For the one pictured, I bought the turquoise and white fabrics over the Christmas break and cut and sewed the triangle squares. The nine patches came from my box of 2” squares, and I just make more when my box gets replenished with scraps. I call it an “ongoing” UFO as there is no real deadline. I just let the scrap squares dictate when I work on it. One thing I can say is that they do all get finished eventually. This weekend I have two more rows to add. And sew it goes.