Sunday, December 8, 2024

Moving Along

I couldn’t think of a good title for this post, but things are really moving along right now. The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are always so busy. We had our WELCA Christmas party Tuesday after we decorated the church. We got the big tree up in the sanctuary. 

And a small one in the hall by the Sunday school rooms. 
There is a nativity outside Luther Hall, and I just noticed baby Jesus is missing.
That’s not good.

We also set up a donation station for the Humility Project. 

I got seven fleece hats cut out, but they aren’t sewn together yet. It’s been pretty cool here, so I need to get them done soon so I can add them to our donations.

Most of my cake was eaten at the party. Thank goodness. 

It was a little crumbly, and I’m not sure why. I’m usually a pretty good cook. I might need to work on this recipe a little.

The quilt guild Christmas party was Thursday. The guild payed for the catered meal, but we asked each participant to provide a donation for Gabriel Project, 

or for the pet shelter. I delivered the gifts after our party. 

Roger’s school had their Christmas program Friday night. He sang and played the xylophone. 

It was all fun, and now I’m exhausted. I was able to get a little sewing done and a little house cleaning (not enough). I will hopefully get some sewing pictures posted tomorrow. 


  1. A missing baby Jesus is quite the mystery - sounds like a good book. ;) Your Christmas-y activities sound like fun, but I would be exhausted too. A grandson who plays the xylophone - how neat! Your cake looks so good. Crumbs have no calories. ;)
