Monday, August 29, 2022

Weekend Update

It was a pretty uneventful weekend, which is not really a bad thing. I put binding on two customer quilts Saturday and cleaned up my workroom at the shop. I also finished up on my income tax stuff. I swear, I would rather get a root canal than have to do income tax, so off course, I put it off until the last available minute. I will deliver it to the CPA today and wait for the verdict. 

On Sunday, I walked the dogs, then church, then just mostly relaxed at home. I did get laundry done. I dried the sheets outside on the clothesline. Is there any better smell than sheets dried outside? I am pretty sure I am the only person in my neighborhood with a clothesline. I really don’t know that, but I think it could be true. 

I have been looking through some of my older quilt books to see if there are quilts I want to make. It seems like patterns I overlooked previously appeal to me now. This book was published in 2012 and I don’t remember ever making anything from it.

I looked through it several times and found myself drawn to a couple of the patterns. This one is really calling my name:
I like it, and I like the colors. I know I have a lot of aqua and a lot of olive green. I’m not sure about brown, but I will check and see what I have. In other words, I will cut my own 2.5” strips. I am determined to use up some of what I have in my stash. 

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