Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Baby, It’s Cold

I’m back home now, and we’re having colder than normal weather here. So, it’s quite an unpleasant shock to go from a Caribbean cruise to 32 degrees. I’m sitting here in a sweatshirt and jeans wishing it would warm up. No worries, though. The cold weather never lasts long in South Texas. 

We had a great cruise, and we’re planning to do it again next year. We had a conference room to sew in.
I’m the one who always spreads out into all the available space. 

I finished one quilt top
and, I got all the blocks sewn for another one. Donna got her rag quilt finished, but she was going to wait until she got home to snip the edges. 

Donna and I shared a table with Colette and Becky. 

We celebrated Colette’s birthday on the first night.

I got up early every morning and walked two miles on deck, and then went to the gym and either rode the bike for 20 minutes or lifted weights.
It’s pretty well deserted at 6 am. 

We had towel animals in our room on two days. A monkey and a bunny. 

The dogs were glad to see me when I picked them up from the kennel, and we’re all taking it easy right now. We are under severe weather alerts, so we’ll be at home until it warms up. I’m hoping to work on the second quilt I started on the cruise and get it finished if possible.


  1. That cruise looks like it was fun! Nice that you have it planned for next year too, it’s fun to look forward to vacations. It’s quite a winter, -3 in Michigan this morning. I’m thankful I am retired and can stay inside and sew today!

    1. I don’t blame you. I stocked up on groceries yesterday, and I will be indoors all day also.

  2. I just looked at your forecast and says it is light snow at the airport and dipping into the upper teens tonight - pretty cold for your neck of the woods! I love that pretty quilt top you finished. Glad you had a nice time - your dinners look fancy. :)

    1. Yes, it’s horrible! It was snowing at my house when I got up this morning and should be colder tonight than it was last night. Our cruise dinners were fancy, but unfortunately, I am back to having to do my own cooking.

  3. Wow, a quilting cruise? Nice. Sounds like a fun vacation. Was it a whole group?

    1. Yes it was a group. Most of us are quilt guild members, so we already knew each other and have sewn together, but we had a couple of newcomers also.
