Friday, January 24, 2025

Nothing New

I am still staying at home as much as possible to avoid the cold weather. I did get out yesterday to attend our January quilt guild meeting. The new meeting location is only a few blocks from my house so it wasn’t too bad. We had a workshop in the afternoon, and the workshop continues this morning, but I haven’t decided if I will go back or not. I had some homework to complete, and I wasn’t able to get to it. 🙁

Work continues on some of the things I have started and not finished yet. I got out the Houston IQF shop hop blocks and got all the roofs and foundations done.
I got them layed out and started cutting the sashing, only to discover I don’t have enough of the sashing fabric. I kind of had a gut feeling that was going to happen. Sashing fabric was included in two of the packages, but neither piece was over 1/2 yard, which didn’t look like enough to me. I went online and found some more and was able to order another 1/2 yard, so I can’t finish until I get the extra. Thank goodness I didn’t put this project off for a year or two, or I wouldn’t have been able to acquire the fabric I needed! 

I decided the Tula Pink quilt needs an inner border in a solid color to break up all the busy-ness. I love the way this purple works with the quilt colors, so purple it is. 

I’m tickled I already had the purple in my stash—it can also be used for the binding. 

I have been on the fence about the 2025 BOM from A Quilting Life. I printed out the pattern, but was undecided about committing. Betty sent me a picture of her 
completed block 

Of course, I know how I am, and my FOMO kicked in. When I was cleaning, I found a Sherri and Chelsea fat quarter bundle in one of my bins. 
It’s not the same one Sherri is using, but it has a good mix of darks and lights, so it should work well for this project. I also have a yard of a couple of the prints, so I can do a border and binding. It looks like this will happen, and I hope to get the first block done this weekend. 


  1. I like your shop hop blocks, you've made nice progress with them. Yay on the purple border! I love those Tula colors. Thanks again for the beautiful toweling! :)

    1. Thank you! You are most welcome for the toweling.
