Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Musings


Hmmm, that’s a good question. I think I was still tired yesterday, as I didn’t accomplish a lot. I cut some more of the strip sets for the Fuse Box quilt before church, and I sewed a few more together in the evening, but it wasn’t a lot of progress. 
Maybe slow and steady will win the race. LOL. I doubt it. I do have all the “light” wedges sewn together, and I’m now working on the “mediums”. I used an old Michael Miller jellyroll I had in my box of precuts. There wasn’t a lot of variety to it, but I wanted to use it up, and it fit the requirements of having 12 lights, 12 darks, and 12 mediums. I bought it because I thought it had dogs on it, but it is actually foxes. 

I did get my bags out of the car and took some pictures. I bought this kit which I can hardly wait to start. 
They had a sample sewn and quilted in their store, and it was really cool. It uses the large twister ruler which I have. 

I also found a really neat pattern
and an older jellyroll which I need to complete a quilt top I made last year. The vinyl is to make some project bags (when I get around to it!).

The thing I was most excited about—I found four colors of “Uncorked”. 
I used up what I had some time ago, and hadn’t seen any more locally. I didn’t want to break the bank, so I only got a yard of each. I have no clue what I will do with it, but I sure like it. 

I went to the mall yesterday after church. Actually, I went there to eat with my church friends, but after we ate I did some shopping. I was hoping to find some jeans. Something besides the Levi’s I usually wear. I wanted something more stylish, and maybe more dressy. I saw some cute wide-leg ones and tried them on, but I didn’t like the way I looked in them. In fact, I didn’t like the way I looked in anything I tried on. It was a total waste of time. I guess I will just keep wearing what I have. I was hoping to find something new to wear on my cruise, but that’s not going to work out for me.


  1. I adore Uncorked! I bought a length of it a few years ago and have wanted more colors since then. Love the colors you bought.
    I haven't been fond of wide legs since I wore them in the 70s - lol! Good luck finding something for your cruise. Clothes shopping is not as fun for me as it used to be. ;)

    1. I didn’t end up buying any new clothes. I have plenty of thing I can wear. I don’t like clothes shopping because I am not happy with my weight and I would rather spend the money on fabric.
