Friday, August 9, 2024

Some New Quilts

The good new is that I have been plugging away at my income tax preparation. I have spent a couple of hours on it, and I would say I’m about one-fourth of the way done. It feels like a totally disgusting waste of time, and there are piles of papers all over my table. 

After a little income tax work, I reward myself with sewing time. I finished the Chicken Little quilt. 

The pattern is called Iced Tea

but the fat quarter pack I made it with is called “Chicken Little” so that’s hat I e been calling the quilt. 

I was looking through my Villa Rosa patterns for something that I could use my 5” squares. After cutting all the scraps, I have 3 boxes that need a project. I settled on this one. 

The funny thing is that it uses 5-1/2” squares, but I’m pretty sure it won’t make a difference if I use 5” instead. I need a way to use some of the strange looking squares. 

I think this will work. I’m pretty motivated to get it done. 

There’s not much else going on around here. My daughter has been sick with Covid so I cooked and took food over to their house for a few days. She felt well enough to cook last night, and I was happy about that. I was running out of ideas. I fixed an enchilada casserole Monday and a couple of links of sausage with green beans and potatoes Tuesday. I figured they could do leftovers last night, but apparently there wasn’t anything left. Oh well. Thank goodness the kids aren’t picky. I don’t have a lot of patience with that. I have my exercise class this morning, and then I need to hit the ground running. There’s a lot to do, and it’s already Friday. 


  1. Feels good to tackle projects you dread, right? I like Chicken Little - the name as well as the quilt. Good luck on your new start.

    Sorry to read about your daughter, hope she is recovered soon. We don't have patience with pickiness either. Fortunately the Littles seem to be coming out of it, but the 5 year-old still says "I don't like that" even if he has never tried it (rolling my eyes). Their mother (our daughter) was our picky child, so I guess they come by it honestly!

    1. Thank you Linda. I think Julia is better now other than the lingering fatigue that seems to go along with Covid.
