Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Under the Weather

I came down with some kind of bug last week.....Covid is going around again, so naturally, I assumed that's what I had. The symptoms seemed to be the same as the other time I had it. I isolated myself at home and slept a lot. On Saturday, I did a Covid test, and it was negative, so I'm not sure what I had. I was feeling quite a bit better by Monday, although still a little run down. 

Needless to say, I haven’t done much, but I have been working some on Kathryn’s overalls. I got the letters stitched down on the front.

The back is fused, but not stitched yet.
The back pockets are pinned on.

The first football game is this Friday; I’m not sure I can get these ready by then, but of course I’ll try. I have a lot of things I need to catch up on this week like laundry and cleaning. And of course, the yard. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Poor you! Hope you are feeling much better by now. I don't plan to ever take another Covid test. I would only take the kind where they swab your throat, I just can't do the nasal test - I'm a baby. ;) Those overalls look cute.
