Saturday, August 31, 2024

Playing Catch Up

So, I got behind on things while I was sick. No surprise, and it took me a little bit to feel semi-energetic again. This week has gone pretty well, and I’m trying to catch up on all the things I am behind on.  Besides working on Kathryn’s overalls, I got some quilts done. This sea turtle one:
The back is tropical fish.
Another sea turtle quilt:
The back on this one is sea turtles and manatees.
The lady these belong to made them for the twin beds in her sister’s beach house. I quilted a queen sized sea turtle one for her several months ago.

I put binding on this one:
I’m not the one who quilted it, and I didn’t notice it wasn’t straight until I had the binding on. It’s the thick, fuzzy fabric, so maybe that was a problem. I’m not really sure what happened. 

I also got a Christmas top quilted. 

I will need to get the binding put on it. I was thinking black binding, but now I’m leaning more toward red. I think that would give it more of a Christmas feel. 

Every morning when I get to my shop, these two are waiting for me. 
I really don’t think of myself as a cat person, but they are so cute. They wait for me to pet them before they start eating, and the orange one purrs really loudly. 

After all that, I went home yesterday and started cleaning the house. I like to do the bulk of the cleaning on Friday afternoon /evening so I have all weekend to enjoy a clean house. I still need to do a couple of loads of laundry. I’m going to try and do that this afternoon and maybe mow the grass. 


  1. Glad you are feeling like getting back "into it". Oh those kitties! So pretty, and I'm so glad you are their caretaker.

    1. I think that dark gray one has an owner, but he likes to be here when he thinks food is involved!
