Friday, November 12, 2021

Not Sure How This Happened

I so love a table runner on my kitchen table. It looks so nice, plus it protects the table -- at least in theory. I changed my table runner this morning and was surprised to find a damaged spot on the table underneath the runner.

I can see the varnish from the table transferred to the bottom side of the runner, but I honestly have no idea how this happened. I must have set a hot dish of some kind on the runner thinking it would protect the table from the heat. 

I am going to throw the runner in the wash and see if that stain washes out, although it is on the back so no worries if it doesn't. I put on a clean runner to cover the blemish on the wood. 

I'm really sad about the damage, but as long as I keep a runner on there I won't think about it too much. I just need to remember to avoid sitting a hot dish on the runner. Apparently the batting doesn't offer enough protection. I feel like I should have know that, but......I must not have really thought about it. I have some of these place mats I bought last year and never used.
They are pretty much like big trivets. I think I bought them to use under the Instant Pot and air fryer and didn't. I have them on the table now and need to remember to use them for hot things instead of trusting the table runner.

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