Friday, September 20, 2024

Just Checking In

I thought I would check in and give a quick update before I leave for vacation. I have been a busy girl, trying to get things finished before I leave, and now I am a tired girl. I will need a vacation just to catch my breath. 

I got this one done, and it should be picked up this morning.
It is 101" x 101" square, so quite big. A church from a nearby town is buying it for their annual raffle. I also sold them one last year, and they said it did really well. I hope this one will also do well for them. The name of this pattern is Hanging Gardens, and I pieced it when I had a king-size bed but never did quilt it. I no longer have a king bed, so it sort of sat. Interestingly enough, I made it with a different border. 

The ladies who came to look at it weren't sold on the border with the cranes, and they asked me if I would change it to solid black. What? I really didn't want to, but I did it, and now that it's done, I'm okay with it. It gives it a very dramatic look, so maybe that's what they were looking for. 

I also have been stuffing pumpkins. I got this little one done and donated it to a local church that is having a fall craft show. 
I saw some other stuff they had made, and it's all really cute. I made this one for me: 

I have two more stuffed but not decorated. 
These two will go to the silent auction at my church. At least that's the plan. 

I am so happy to have a few things off my list. Of course, I still need to do laundry and pack, but then I can relax. 

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