Thursday, September 5, 2024



Thursday already! This week is flying by. The weather alternates between hot and sunny to gloomy and threatening to rain. There were a few showers this week, but they didn't last long. Rainy weather always gives me a headache, and this time the headaches were accompanied by vertigo. I made it to exercise class yesterday morning, but any sort of fast bending and straightening made me feel like I was going to fall over. I ended up just sort of doing my own thing. 

The weather and the vertigo is preventing me from doing yard work, but there is still plenty to do. I am continuing to work on the overalls. 

I would like to think I will be finished soon. She needs them tomorrow for the pep rally and the football game, but I still need to add the ruffles to the bottom of the hems. I think I can get it done today, and if she wants any changes, she will have to do them herself. I hope to get a picture of them once they are completely finished.

I have lots of customer quilts to finish and got a few done this week. The quilt show is coming up in three weeks, and that always causes a rush for me. I did a couple on Monday

and another on Tuesday.
I finished one on Wednesday and started another, but I don't have pictures yet. 

I was feeling motivated to work on my quilt from the June workshop and did a little in the evenings. This one:

I was happy to find the nine patches I had made for the borders; I found 10 and for some reason I thought I needed 14, so I made four extra. I got 10 of them sewn on the top and bottom.

I am thinking of a way to use the extra four nine-patches, but I think I will need to make two more. That will be the next order of business on this top. 


  1. Good luck on the overalls. Do you think the vertigo is left over ickiness from your illness? Hope it goes away, that is so hard to deal with. Looks like you are in for more rain!

    1. Thanks Linda. I think the vertigo is from the barometric pressure, but it could be from the illness. It's hard to know what causes it, but it usually goes away on its own, so I am hoping it's over soon.
