Saturday, September 7, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

The weather was a little cooler yesterday. I think we had a small front as it was also windy with some scattered showers. 

It is nice, but it won’t last. 

I got a lot done this week, but I wasn’t in the mood to do much yesterday, so I drove over to Yorktown. I recently found out about the Women of the Bible Quilt blocks; apparently the patterns were released about eight years ago, but I just recently saw one, and I really liked it. 

It turns out the Yorktown quilt shop owner has made four of them, so I called her about getting the pattern. The patterns are only available for download now for about $20, but she downloaded them for me and had them bound into this nice book. 

It’s so nice, and each block has supplemental info about each woman with a devotion prompt. I think I will enjoy working on it, although it won’t be a short-term project.

I also bought a layer cake and some pretty postcard fabric while I was at the shop.

I had picked up this fabric in Richmond, and I wanted to use it for a border with a scrappy project. 
I got the layer cake to supplement my other scraps, and I think I will use the scrap crazy templates. I really like that border fabric. So many colors of scraps will work with it. 

Speaking of Richmond, I finished the little pincushion kit I got there. 

I also finished Kathryn’s overalls, and I was glad to get my part done.

They need a little more, but she is going to do that herself.  

Today I would like to cut out the scrap crazy blocks, or at least start on it. I should be able to, but I need to finish quilting a customer quilt first. I also have some binding I need to do, so we’ll see.


  1. I bet it's a relief to have those overalls done. :D That was so nice of the shop owner - that is a nice book!
    Looks like the Gulf might see a tropical depression by mid week. Seems like the Gulf has had quite a bit of rain lately.
    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. Yes! Such a relief. We have had a lot of small showers—almost daily—but not much cumulative rainfall. We could use a few inches, so I will keep my fingers crossed. In the meantime, I am enjoying the slightly lower temperatures.
