Tuesday, September 17, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 9-17-2024

The days are moving so fast, one sort of runs into the next one. I am leaving Saturday for a short vacation, and the quilt show setup starts as soon as I get back, so I have been pushing myself to get as much done as I can. Unfortunately, it wasn't all on my list.

1) Replace borders on raffle quilt and get it quilted. I replaced the borders and it is on the frame now. 
It's a big one so it will take a little longer to get it quilted and bound.
2) Quilt three customer quilts. I did four.

3) Work on the borders for the June workshop quilt. All I did was remove the side borders. I am in the process of working on new ones, but I'm not quite done.
4) Bind sweatshirt jacket.  Another one I started and didn't finish yet.
I did get the binding sewn on, and I’m in the process of stitching it down.
5) Stuff some pumpkins. 🎃 No. 

I’m making a new list, but I won’t be posting next week since I will be on vacation, so I will update it week after next. 

1) Quilt and bind the raffle quilt.
2) Quilt three customer quilts.
3) Finish sweatshirt binding.
4) Work on borders for the June workshop quilt.
5) Stuff some pumpkins.
6) Have fun on my vacation.

I’ll be gone for about five days, but there is still time left this week, and of course, I’ll have the rest of week when I return, so progress is definitely possible.

Have a good week everyone. I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt.


  1. Looks like you did great on your list. Does someone feed "your" kitties while you're gone? Have a wonderful trip!

    1. Yes, my friend Betty, who calls them “our” kitties, feeds them when I can’t.
