Monday, September 30, 2024

Victoria Quilt Show 2024

I have quite a few pictures to share. It make take more than one post to get them all posted. I am trying remember which were the winners, and I think I have mostly forgotten. 

This one was first place in bed quilts, and this one was second:

The medallion was actually my favorite, but that’s no surprise as I always like the medallion settings. I tried to crop these photos, but I see now that I may not have saved the cropped photos. 

Here are some more of the quilts:

I will have some more tomorrow. Have a good Monday.


  1. Those are gorgeous quilts. I especially like the one with the big flowers and of course the Exploding Heart - one of my all time favorite patterns.

    1. Yes! I have always wanted to make the exploding hear, but so far I haven’t done it. I saw a kit for one that looks like the Texas flag, and was really tempted.
