Sunday, July 21, 2024


 I haven’t had a chance to use my new Go dies, but I was able to work on a lot of things. I finished another customer quilt

It is hand pieced, and I think she had planned to hand quilt it, the decided to just go ahead and get it machine quilted. The picture doesn’t really do it justice.

I worked on a couple of charity quilts which was nothing but frustrating, but at least I am getting them done. Neither was pieced by me…..

I got a binding put on a pre-quilted piece. 

It is two panels, but instead of cutting them apart, I stitched Rick rack over the cutting line and put the binding on. I got this teddy bear to go with it
It will go in the silent auction at church.

I happened to find out one of the local quilt shops has Sip and Sew on the third Friday of each month. I went Friday evening, and it was fun. Well, I only took water since I knew I had to drive home, but it was still fun. I looked at my to-do list to see what I needed to work on, and what did I do? I started a new project! I had some mini charms, and I made a table runner. 

It’s a project from this magazine.
It’s from 2018, and this is the first project I’ve made from it. Now I won’t feel guilty about passing it on. I went by the quilt shop yesterday and got some fabric I thought would work for a border.
I’m not sure I love it, though, so I may do something else. While I was in the quilt shop, I picked up a fat quarter pack and a couple of extra neutrals.
The fat quarter pack is called Chicken Little. I want to make the Villa Rosa pattern “Iced Tea” so I needed two extra neutrals. I got everything ironed and cut out last night. I like the chicken fabric.

I’m hoping to start on it today after church. I know I should be working on my to-do list, but it was energizing to start something new. 

Oh, I did a couple loads of laundry yesterday, vacuumed, and mowed the back yard. I got the mowing done right before the rain started.

The front yard got done Friday, so I am caught up on all of it for now. 


  1. That hand pieced is beautiful. Sip & Sew sounds like fun - they should provide a shuttle - lol! Love the chicken fabric. Glad you got some rain, we are keeping our fingers crossed we get some this week - the water bill is horrendous. Have a great Sunday!

  2. Beautiful! I like the first the most. What's the size of the first one?
