Tuesday, July 30, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 7-30-24

I actually thought about skipping this post this week. I haven’t been able to get much done on it. I decided to go ahead and keep myself accountable, but there is not much to say about this list.

1) Do the prework for quilt guild workshop. Yes. This one had a deadline, so it got done. 

2) Finish quilt top from last month’s guild workshop. No
3) Income tax!  No
4) Finish Villa Rosa quilt top. No, although I did go to the quilt shop and get enough fabric for a couple of borders.
5) Work on Chicken Little quilt top. It is cut and ready to stitch. No
6) Quilt three quilts. I think I did two. That’s all I could find pictures for.

7) Julie’s tee shirt quilt. No

Oh well. There was a lot going on. The guild workshop took all of two days, and because of the rainy weather, the dogs kept the floors tracked up which meant extra vacuuming and mopping. I am still cooking for VBS for another two evenings, so I’m not sure how I’m going to get back on track. Here’s a quick list:

1) Quilt three quilts.
2) Bind two quilts.
3) Finish June workshop quilt.
4) Finish Villa Rosa quilt.
5) Work on Chicken Little quilt.
6) Julie’s tee shirt quilt.
7) Income tax

If I get three out of seven done, I’ll be happy. Life is crazy right now.

I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt. Have a good week!


  1. Still cooking for VBS? Lucky kids! You are getting all the rain we need.

    1. Tonight is the last night. We are ordering pizza tomorrow!

  2. Carolyn I think you did great on your list last week. Looks like another busy week for you doing the cooking again. Thank you for joining To Do Tuesday. Could you send some rain my way to help control these wildfires 😉

  3. Some weeks are just that way. Sounds like you've got a full plate in other areas. Fingers crossed things start to line out this week and you have more time and mental capacity for your to do list.

  4. Sometimes the days happen in ways we hadn't considered. You'll get back on track and lucky VBS kids!!! Well done to make progress on some tasks!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thank you Terry! Any amount of progress is good.
