Sunday, July 28, 2024

Rain and Sewing

We got two inches of rain yesterday. Some parts of town got 2-1/2”. Perfect weather for staying indoors and sewing! I got a few more tea towels done. 

I think this is enough for now, but who knows? I may get in the mood and do some more. 

Thursday and Friday was a quilt guild workshop, and those were both full days. I managed to get my fat quarters sorted and cut before the workshop. I separated everything by dark and light to ensure I had enough contrast.

I eliminated a few of the “mediums” and substituted some lights from my stash. We worked on these blocks:
It’s a Quiltworx pattern called “Island Sunrise”, but, it is of course a NY Beauty block. The blocks are around 6” finished. I should receive more pictures from the instructor of everyone’s blocks, but here is one I took:

I had hoped to get some more blocks done this weekend, but I can’t figure out what I did with the rest of my papers. I assume they will turn up somewhere, and if not, I’ll have to order more. We had a great instructor. The workshop was pretty intense, and I was exhausted Friday evening. I was too tired to cook and ended up picking up a bowl of ramen from the noodle shop. I went to bed early and slept pretty well.

We have a “give away” table at our guild meetings, and I picked up a book there.
The stories look interesting, although I probably won’t make the quilts. They are all based on templates instead of rotary cutting. I figured I could read it, and then return it to the give-away table when I am finished. 


  1. Your stitching on the tea towels is really neat. The NYB blocks are so pretty. I'm jealous of the rain. My son texted me the other day (from north of Houston) that they had had lots more rain this summer than years past. It does seem like it has lingered since Beryl.

    1. Thank you! I actually thought North Texas got rain last week, but I guess I was mistaken!
