Tuesday, July 23, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 7-23-24

Happy Tuesday! I wasn’t very good about sticking to my list—I sort of went rogue and worked on whatever struck my fancy. Yeah, that’s the story of my life, and it’s the reason I end up with so many UFO’s. Here’s are the results:

1) Income tax. It will stay on the list until I get it done. No. Sigh.

2) June and July BOM. No.

3) Quilt three quilts. Yes. 
I forgot to take pictures of the other two, but they are done.
4) Bind three quilts. No. I did one. 

5) Villa Rosa quilt. I got all the rows assembled; I just need to sew them together.

6) Logging On quilt. Yes. I got quite a bit done. 

7) Start on Julie's tee shirt quilt. No. 

I think I need to refocus. Or maybe I need a shorter list. LOL.

1) Do the prework for quilt guild workshop.
2) Finish quilt top from last month’s guild workshop.
3) Income tax!
4) Finish Villa Rosa quilt top.
5) Work on Chicken Little quilt top. It is cut and ready to stitch.
6) Quilt three quilts.
7) Julie’s tee shirt quilt.

Nope. It’s not shorter. I will be at the guild workshop on Thursday and Friday, and vacation bible school starts Sunday which means I will be cooking at church in the evenings. Hopefully I will have some free time. 

I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt. Have a good week!


  1. It's good to go rogue! Your projects look great. Good luck with cooking for VBS. :)

  2. You still made great progress , yay for the rogue quilters, unite!

  3. It's sometimes hard to know if you do better with lots on the to do list or just a little. You still got lots done even if there isn't check marks by every item.
