Tuesday, June 27, 2023

To-Do-List Tuesday 6-27-23

Happy Tuesday! It’s been a good week, and there has been just enough productivity to keep me on track. My list was short:

1) Get the APQ quilt sewn together. Not quite, but I’m about half way done.

A day or two of dedicated sewing will get this one finished.

2) Work on Summer Scrap Challenge. I spent some time yesterday sewing blocks together, I have four rows done, and five more to go.

3) Sew two more blocks for Water Colors quilt along. I got five more done. 

What’s on the list for this week? More of the same. These are the three projects I feel most motivated to spend time on, so I’m going to carry them forward to this week.

1) Get the APQ quilt sewn together.

2) Work on Summer Scrap Challenge.

3) Sew two more Water Colors blocks.

4) And just for fun, do some charity sewing.

I’m linking this to Quilt Schmilt.

I have my mammogram this morning. It has officially been rescheduled three times, so I am past due. I rescheduled it once, and the hospital has rescheduled it twice. When I went a few weeks ago, they said they couldn’t do it since it hadn’t been six weeks since my last Covid vax. You would think they would tell you things like that when you schedule the test. There are only two testing places in town, so it takes several months to get an appointment. I’m trying not to get frustrated, but this is silly. In a perfect world, there would be mobile units that would go through the neighborhoods offering mammograms free of charge to everyone. A pipe dream, I guess. Anyway, if you haven’t scheduled yours, please consider this a friendly reminder. 

After my mammogram, I am going to make a quick trip to Yorktown. My local LQS is out of A&M fabrics, and the shop in Yorktown has some. I want to make a quilt for the church auction in October, so I have plenty of time to get it done. My friend Janice said she would piece it for me, so I only have to quilt and bind it. 


  1. Those are pretty watercolor blocks, I like those shades. Too bad about the mammo. I know MD Anderson has those mobile vans with either low cost or free mammos, but I don't think they take walk-ins. I like your idea!

    1. Thanks Linda. I am planning to add some purple and maybe some orange to the color-way, but not sure yet. I think it needs to be easier for women to get their mammograms, especially ones that don't have easy access to a hospital.

  2. You made great headway on your to-do list. Love your little summer scrap challenge helper. Cute!

    1. Thank you....she likes to be in the middle of everything.

  3. Love your APQ top, I've seen so many of them around and they all look amazing. We do have a van that goes from place to place for mammograms and they are free up until you are 65. I pay for mine now though as I am past that age. Yes you would think they'd tell you about the covid think.

    1. That is so great; I don't mind paying, but I wonder about women with lower incomes.

  4. I love your Summer Scrap Challenfe project! That background color is pretty with all the colorful bits. I'm sorry you're having trouble scheduling the mammogram - hopefully they'll have an opening soon!

    1. Thank you. I got the mammogram done yesterday, so I am good for another year.

  5. I'm liking your scrap challenge quilt (esp on that background), and the water color one as well! Good luck on your projects!
