Monday, June 5, 2023

Weekend Wrap Up

Remember the Summer Scrap Challenge? I posted about it here. I sewed and sewed Sunday afternoon and got two rows done.

It’s not hard, but I had two of the blocks turned wrong which definitely affects how the pattern looks. I corrected them before I took the picture. I get aggravated with myself when I do stuff like that because it slows me down a lot to have to go back and fix things. Here’s the one my friend is working on:
She is a using a navy jelly roll as her “constant “.

Granddaughter has a summer job at the country club as a lifeguard. I spent a couple of hours at the pool Saturday afternoon when she was working.

She is getting so grown up—I’m not sure she wanted me there, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. 😎. When she wasn’t on the lifeguard stand, she was at the concession area making snow cones for a kid’s party. 

The other think I worked on Sunday evening was the new APQ quilt along.

I had done some of the cutting Thursday and Friday, and I was able to get one block sewn yesterday.

Haha! This one is a little labor intensive. It took me a couple of hours to get one block together! The good thing is that it is a 15” block, so I won’t need too many. I have twenty fat quarters, plus plenty of background fabric, but I need to do some more cutting. I think I cut enough for six or seven blocks. 

I have a whole list of things I need to get done today—go by the insurance agent, go to the feed store for a big bag of dog food, go to Lowe’s for roundup, do a couple loads of laundry. I don’t know if there will be spare time for sewing or not.

1 comment:

  1. Your granddaughter has a great job! The APQ quilt along looks so pretty, but I'm determined not to be tempted, since I'm still waaaaay behind on the last one - lol!
