Tuesday, October 8, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 10-8-2024

This is an update to the list from a couple of weeks ago. I was on vacation after I made the list, and then we had the quilt show, which kept me from working on my usual stuff. I am pretty much back in the groove now, and this is where things ended up.

1) Quilt and bind the raffle quilt. Yes. 

It’s done and out of the shop.

2) Quilt three customer quilts. Yes, I did. Here's a Christmas panel:

I got Janice's Women of the Bible quilt done, and it's a big one. 

And, a fleece backed one for Penny.

I wish the Tim Holtz fabrics showed up better in my pictures. They are really nice. 
3) Finish sweatshirt binding. No, I worked on it a little, but I just can't stay motivated to finish. I also bought a pretty button to put on it if I decide it needs a closure. 
4) Work on borders for the June workshop quilt. No. This is one of the projects that got folded up and put away before I left for vacation, and I haven't taken it out yet.
5) Stuff some pumpkins. Yes. 

6) Have fun on my vacation. Yes I did. 

This all seems so long ago, and it’s time to make a more current list.

1) A Quilting Life October BOM.
2) Make another Women of the Bible block.
3) Make samples for October guild workshop.
4) Make some potholders for Lutherfest gift basket.
5) Quilt three customer quilts.
6) Clean/purge sewing room for 30 minutes each day. 
7) Put a binding on the cardinal quilt.

I think that that covers mostly everything. I have some new kits and new patterns that I am tempted to start, and I may ended up caving and working on one or more of them, but I really need to make the list a priority. 

I am going to Corpus today to finally pick up my car. It took them longer than expected to get the parts they had ordered. Every time I go is essentially a day shot, but of course, the car has to have the necessary work done. Maybe a trip to JoAnn's will make me feel better. There are also about three quilt shops there that I haven't visited in a while, so that's something else that might happen.

I am linking this post to QuiltSchmilt. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting! 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Women of the Bible Quilt

I had a chance to think about how I want to do my WOTB quilt, and after much back and forth, I decided to use a pack of solids I got recently.

They are all half-yard cuts, and I have a couple yards of the border fabric (on the bottom of the picture). I think it needs more pink and orange and maybe a dark blue, so I will order some more colors, including lights to use in the backgrounds. 

For reference, this is what the finished quilt should look like without the borders. 

I am going to do two of each of the blocks, as it is a big quilt, and I can donate one of them to next year’s auction.

The first one is Eve.

I also finished Sarah and Rachel.

So far, it’s holding my interest, even though I would have rather done it a as BOM or a sew-along. 

Interestingly enough, I have one in my shop to be quilted. It was done by a friend, and she used patriotic fabrics.

It’s so large, I couldn’t get a very good picture, but most of it shows.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Victoria Quilt Show 2024 Part 3

I think I can wrap this up today. I had to take my car to Corpus Christi for service, and it gave me a good opportunity to write this post since there isn’t much else to do there. I already looked at all the new cars, including the ones I can’t afford. LOL.

It’s a big temptation until I look at the sticker prices and decide I can be satisfied with what I have. Maybe.

These should be the last of the quilt show pictures. 

I wanted to show these next ones together since they came from a workshop we did in June. 

There was also a display of the jackets we made in the January workshop.

There were others that got made that weren’t displayed. They are all pretty, and it’s interesting to see how individuals interpret the same pattern. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Victoria Quilt Show 2024 Part 2

I hope everyone will enjoy seeing some more quilt pictures. I like to get them all (or almost all) posted on my blog as it gives me a permanent record of what I saw. It serves as kind of an online diary where I can keep quilting things documented. 

Here are some more of the entries:

This quilt was from a shop hop a couple of years ago. I made a similar quilt top, but, wow, the border Nancy chose really puts hers over the top. The border fabric is still available, but I don’t want to duplicate someone else’s quilt, so I will need to figure out something else. 

The next two are from the Barbara Black workshop we did in April. I would have liked to have seen more, but I know I didn’t finish mine, so maybe most weren’t able to get theirs done either.

I have some more to post, but I think I will wait until tomorrow.