Monday, February 19, 2024

Happy Monday


I’m not sure where the weekend went, but it is gone.i got another quilt top done for the blog hop, but I can’t post it. Ughhhh, it’s hard to resist posting pictures of the things I’m working on……my day to post for the blog hop is March 17th, so I will have to wait about three weeks. The patterns are cute, and I’m excited to share what I’ve done. I’m going to try and get both of them quilted today.

I did get my February BOM done from A Quilting Life.

I think I needed more contrast in the center, but I wasn’t unhappy enough to take it apart and redo it. I also cut some more red triangles for my RSC blocks, so that will be on my to-do list tomorrow. 

I didn’t make it to the track all weekend. In fact, I played bingo after church yesterday and ate at the bingo hall.

And, I spent last night on the couch watching Remember the Titans. So, not a a great weekend health-wise. I’ll be at the gym this morning for cardio class, and I plan to walk at the track this afternoon. There is a Tuesday/Thursday Zumba class at 7am, and I’m thinking of adding that to my regime. I think I’ll try it for a week and see how it goes. 

I’m still working on Gloria’s memory quilt. I’m hoping she can come by today and make sure she’s okay with it before I sew it all together. 

We’ve talked on the phone, and I ended up adding another row and another column after talking to her. I had to cut a couple of extra shirts to have enough. 


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! I had an online forum friend who swore by Zumba. They had classes at my church, and they always seemed to be having a great time. :D

    1. I am going to try it and see. There are several ladies my age and maybe a little older who are doing it, so maybe it is not as strenuous as a class I did several years ago. I'll let you know how it goes!
