Friday, February 9, 2024

Here are the Rest

Donation quilts part two. (It takes me a few minutes per picture to get them uploaded from my cloud, so it's easier to break into two parts.) They are resized, but you can click on the picture if you want to see more details. 

I was lucky enough to have an orange/red/yellow print for the back of this one!
I like for the backs to coordinate, but I don't get too obsessive about it, and I even use sheets for the backs when I have them available. I can get them from Goodwill for $2.99 each, and that's a lot cheaper than yardage. I launder the sheets in lysol and detergent to make sure they are clean and fresh before I quilt with them.

Altogether, I think we have twelve ready to go. Also, there are a couple more that are quilted and bound and need pillowcases. I have the pillowcases cut out; Betty and I just need to finish sewing them. 


  1. These are lovely! I like to buy Goodwill sheets for backs too. In fact I need to go have a look for more!
