I thought maybe I could get the borders on the UFO I uncovered, especially since the borders were already made. I actually got three of them on, and then I said "enough".
I see why this one never got completed....all the bias edges, the lengths don't seem to match, and I could go on and on. I went ahead and starched these pretty heavily. In fact, when I was pinning them on, I could barely get the pins through them. I laid everything out and measured and remeasured and measured some more. I had to cut some spacers for the ends; luckily, I didn't have too much trouble locating the matching Kona fabric. I decided on four patches for the corners since I had all the four patches in the quilt.
It was a little bit of a challenge to get them oriented correctly in the corners. You would think it would be easy enough to line up the center of each border with the center of the quilt and go from there, but I'm not sure it's going to work out that way. I finally decided to sew them on as best I can and hang it up and see if it works out okay. The perfectionist part of me is cringing, but it's been in a stack in the sewing room for about 10 years, and at some point, I just want it done. Perfect or not. I didn't finish my crocheting either, although I did find another skein of yarn. They just keep appearing! Maybe I'll finish one more tonight if there is anything on tv I want to watch. Otherwise I will sew.
Reba got out in the evening. I don't know how or where. I got ready to feed the dogs and she was nowhere to be found. I finally got in the car and started driving down the street. I found her at the end of the block and brought her back. I don't know why she is the "problem child" but she sure is. All the inside doors are child proof to keep her from opening them, so I am guessing she got out of the fence in the backyard. I couldn't find any openings and the gate was closed but she may have jumped the fence. I know the man next door had been mowing grass and that always makes her a little crazy.Exhausted from her adventures.....
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