Thursday, November 16, 2023

Finally on the Frame

Remember these vintage blocks I have been working on for the last month (or maybe longer)?

I finally got the top together, and then I couldn't decide on a border. 

I have a pretty good selection of things that might work.

I like the bright yellow because it really makes the yellow in the blocks pop, but it makes the overall quilt a lot brighter than I wanted it. Still, I could use the yellow as an inner border and maybe a binding? I asked three different friends and got three different opinions, so that didn't help. I finally went with my gut and used the Kona snow for a 1-1/2" inner border, and the pink floral in the front as the outer border. I cut it 5". I would have a liked a wider border, but the top was already 91", and I didn't want to go too much bigger. With both borders, it ended up being 100" square.

Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but the border colors match the blocks really well. I'm using Glide mint to quilt it.

I may have breathed a sigh of relief when I got in on the frame and basted down. I'm so relieved to be making visible progress on this, and I really want to get it back to Sue before the holidays. I ended up using that coral Bee Gingham for the back. It is the same pink color as the floral border.

I have a new kitty living under the portable building at my shop. He/she seems to be feral, or maybe just scared. I got a picture through the window while he was enjoying the sun.
My windows aren't clean, so it's not very clear, but he sure is a pretty color. I am back to putting out cat food and water, and the cat food is disappearing pretty fast. He already looks fatter.

Here's a plug for Aldi. I like their tomato parmesan bisque soup, but they were out of it this week. I got the vegetable instead.

It tastes like the tomato, but full of vegetables. Really good, and it's 215 calories for half a jar. The only problem with Aldi is that they don't stock all the things all the time. If it's a seasonal item, they won't have it year round. I guess I could stock up, but I'm not really into that. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your vintage blocks quilt. The yellow jumped out at me too, but I love that pink print you decided on, really goes well with the pink.
    Looks like you have a ginger kitty. The "feral" I fed for 2 years is now living in our guest room, still getting used to the other four cats. I'm so glad you are feeding him!
