Tuesday, November 14, 2023

To-Do-List Tuesday 11-14-23

Another busy week.....I knew I had an ambitious list that I wouldn't be able to finish, but as long as the customer stuff got done, I was okay with it. Here's the lineup:

1) Finish up on the Star of Bethlehem quilt. No. Uggghhh....this is taking me forever. I finally chose some fabric for the borders and got them cut, but nothing is finished.
2) Bind charm pack table runner. Another no.
3) Keep plugging away on charity quilts. Yes. I kind of changed direction with what I was working on, but it's all progress. 

4) Quilt two customer quilts. Yes.

5) Bind a customer quilt. Yes. 
6) Put borders on vintage quilts—maybe. No.

And, now it's a new week and time for a new list. I have a feeling my new list will look a lot like my old list. 😉

1) Finish Star of Bethlehem quilt. This one is turning into a have to do as I have poked around long enough.
2) Bind charm pack table runner. I am going by the quilt shop today and look for some binding. I haven't been able to find anything here I wanted to use.
3) Quilt two customer quilts.
4) Quilt two charity quilts.
5) Put borders on vintage quilts.

That's enough for now. I'm feeling the push to get things done as I know next week is Thanksgiving, and life always gets super busy after that until the end of the year. I'm hoping for the best! I am going to link this to Quilt Schmilt. Have a good day where ever you are reading this.


  1. Sometimes progress is the best we can do and it looks like you did well on that front. Good luck with this week's list, hopefully it's a much better week on the stitching front.

  2. Looks like you at least got the customer work done so bravo there! I hear ya--I'm dreading the speeding up of time after Thanksgiving. Every year I tell myself to get everything done earlier....and then every year I find myself right here wondering why I didn't.
