Tuesday, April 30, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 4-30-24

My to-do list was a total flop. I really had very little free time, and when I did, I was too tired from all the activity to do anything on my list. Here it is:

1) A Quilting Life BOM. No

2) Work on April RSC blocks--yellow.  No

3) Finish two customer quilts. No, I only got one done.

4) Order batting. No. 

5) Finish 16-patch blocks before Thursday. This is the only "yes" on the list.

Of course, I needed them for the workshop,

For this week's list, I think I will just try a repeat of last week (the list, not the results)

1) A Quilting Life BOM.

2) Work on April RSC blocks--yellow.

3) Finish two customer quilts.

4) Order batting

5) Finish 16-patch blocks before Thursday.

I am linking this post to Quilt SchmiltI hope to be back need with a completed list!


  1. You have been a busy bee but still managed to get some things done! Enjoy the rest of your week. :)

  2. Yeah for the "yes" on the list ;) Pretty colorful blocks.
