Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Little Work and a Little Play

I haven’t been working much this week, but I get a few hours in here and there. Here’s a picture of the one I finished Monday: 
This was from a block swap done in 1999. It’s not mine—it belongs to a customer, but the blocks are signed and dated, so it’s not hard to figure out when they were done. It’s kind of ironic to me how we’re all trying to finish up quilts from swaps we did in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. That’s where this one of mine came from:
It was a block swap from sometime around 2001 or 2002, and I finally got around to quilting it last month. Are we all realizing our mortality, or are we finally getting caught up on all the UFO’s? Either way, things are getting done. 

I was going to get started on the next t-shirt quilt yesterday, but I managed to put it off. I really can’t get in the mood to work on it, and I have another one to do after I get that one done. I did get a baby quilt done, and I will trim it this morning and get a picture before she picks it up.

I started working on the flower beds, and my neighbor asked if he could finish it for me. I said yes, but now I’m regretting it. He pulled up all my gerbera daisies and my lantana. I think the lantana may come back, but we’ll see. At this point, I’m pretty well resigned to the fact that I will have to do it myself going forward. In the meantime, I spent my “spare” time playing ball with the dogs, and then I cut out my May BOM.

I think I’ll make some cookies tonight. The ones I took to the WELCA meeting all got eaten, and although I don’t usually eat many sweets, I was wishing I had some last night. It won’t take long to make a small batch.

1 comment:

  1. Wow on the neighbor, maybe he doesn't like daisies or lantana - lol! That reminds me of when I was 10, I told Mom I would weed her garden. I pulled up all the tomato plants! Poor Mom, she wasn't mad at me, but I still regret it. ;)
    Make those cookies! I'm making a "gourmet" peanut butter cookie recipe today. I have my standard recipe, but this one looked exceptional.
