Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up

It was a good weekend. I got the grass mowed, and I got the floors vacuumed and mopped. About the grass: there is one section of the yard that is too wet to mow. I thought it was from the rain, but it hasn’t dried up. When I was trying to mow around the wet section, I noticed the water seems to be coming from my neighbors back yard. I am going to have to go over and tell them it needs to be fixed. I don’t understand how they couldn’t have noticed it. 

So here’s the jelly rolls I bought when I was in Yorktown.
These are the ones the shop owner said would work great for the summer challenge. She won’t publish the pattern until Memorial Day, but that’s coming up pretty soon. I also bought some tea towels that I can put an appliqué on. 
I already had some red and some blue ones, so I was looking for some different colors.

I finally made myself sit down and spew snaps and buttons on some of the scissor cases. 
I like the way they are turning out. I got lucky on the snaps. Walmart had the large snaps on clearance.
The tag says $1.50, but they were actually $1.00, and there are four snaps on each card. They had 13 cards, and I bought them all. They are a little large, but for the price, I can’t really be too picky about the size. I only got five done before I ran out of steam. I have five more that need buttons and snaps, and four more that need to be top stitched, and found or five more that need to be sewn together. By the time I get them all done, I will be ready to move on to something else. 

I also found some Utz chips at Walmart. 
They are my favorite, and I never find them here. The hot honey ones are really good, but they are pretty hot.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got so much done over the weekend. Good luck with the neighbors. I've never tried Utz brand, but those hot honey sound really good.
