Tuesday, May 7, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 5-7-24

Ha! What a week! I managed to stay somewhat focused until Friday afternoon, when I decided I was done with everything and everybody. My grumpy mood affected my productivity, at least on the quilting stuff. That's all behind me, and I am back on the hamster wheel. 

1) A Quilting Life BOM. Yes. Finally.

2) Work on April RSC blocks--yellow. No.

3) Finish two customer quilts. Yes. 

The bottom one still needs to be bound so it's technically not finished, but the quilting and trimming is done.

4) Order batting. Yes, and I think the FedEx driver hates me. He did not have a happy look on his face. 😒

And now it's a new week, and time for a new list. 

  1. Quilt three customer quilts.
  2. Put binding on commission quilt.
  3. Make some more scissor cases, or maybe some potholders, depending on what I feel like doing.
  4. April and May RSC blocks.
  5. May Block of the Month.
  6. Crochet some dish cloths.

That's probably enough for now. I still need to get some yard work done in the evenings, and that will tire me out. Any little bit that gets done is a good thing, though, whether it’s in the yard or at the sewing machine. I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt. Have a great week wherever you are reading this!


  1. Haha I'm familiar with that feeling. Glad you are "back on the hamster wheel" - lol!

  2. Ha ha on the batting! I agree: a little bit done in the garden here or there can add up!

  3. A little bit of steady work seems to be the theme for many of the posts this week. Eating that quilt elephant one bite at a time eventually empties your project plate! Moving forward is still progress!!

  4. Such pretty products in the works. Sounds like last week was very productive. Aah so unfriendly of the Fedex guy . I am glad you got your batting . Have a lovely week.

  5. Carolyn you have been making great progress on your projects in spite of the "grumpy mood". We all get them once in a while. I'm sure your Fedex driver was not thrilled with your delivery :). Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Good luck with this week's list!
