Tuesday, May 28, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 5-28-24

Mixed results this week with quilt guild preparation and a holiday affecting my sewing time. No complaints, though. I mainly got done what needed to be done.

1) Charity quilt project for quilt guild. Yes. 

2) Finish some scissor cases. Yes. I topstitched, and then sewed on buttons and snaps until my fingers were sore. 

3) Sampler store projects. Yes. Apron and some dishcloths done. 

4) Cut out Sahara quilt. No. 
5) Make some appliqués for cup towels. No. 

Now for a new week. I have two weeks until I leave for a vacation, so I need to make the most of my time. One of my items is to cut the Sahara quilt which I am planning to take to work during my cruise. It's another quilting cruise where we sew on our own projects. Kind of a quilting retreat at sea.

1) Cut Sahara quilt.
2) Finish the darn tee shirt quilt.
3) Put together a customer consignment quilt.
4) Cut some strips for a Scrappy Trips quilt--this is my other cruise project.

I think I am forgetting something.....I may think of it later and edit this post to include whatever it is. 

I am linking this to quilt schmilt. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with getting everything done - don't forget to add packing to your list. ;)
