Saturday, May 18, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

I’ve been catching up on some smaller projects. It has been raining for the last couple of days, so the weather was perfect for staying inside and sewing. Betty and I braved the rain yesterday and made a road trip to Yorktown. We visited the quilt shop there and then drove to Cuero for lunch. When we got back to Victoria, we went by the quilt shop here, so it was a mini shop hop for us. I bought a couple of things in Yorktown, but I haven’t gotten the bag out of the car yet. I’ll get a picture once I bring it inside. The only think I bought in Victoria was a yo-yo maker and a creative grids ruler.

I finished Diane’s quilt Thursday.

It’s a baby quilt with cuddle fabric on the back.

I pulled out some scraps and made a couple of potholders.
I plan to make a couple of tea towels to go with them. I have a strip of the chicken fabric left—hopefully enough to embellish two towels.

I’m still working on my RSC blocks; I’m working on May (pink) and still trying to get caught up on April (yellow). 
I sewed some more half-square triangles last night, so I should be able to crank out about six more blocks this week. 

What else? I finished my May block of the month Thursday night.
We’re almost halfway through the year, and I haven’t fizzled out yet. I really want to complete the year and get the blocks put into a top.

Today I need to clean house. The dogs have tracked up the floors with their wet paws. I need to sweep and mop and hopefully clean bathrooms if I have the energy. 


  1. I'm glad you weren't affected by the storms that swept through the Houston area!

    1. Me too! There was some thunder and lightning with the rain, but I didn't hear about any destruction around our area.

  2. Awesome small projects. I've been working on lots of small projects this month too.

    1. Thank you! I am going to hop over to your blog and see what you have been working on.

  3. Looks like you're making great progress & there's still more May left to stay on track & be ready for next month's color.

    1. Yes! I should have time to do some more tonight.
