Tuesday, May 14, 2024

To-Do-List Tuesday 5-14-24

I haven't written a blog post since last Tuesday so I should have plenty to report. LOL. That's not really the case. I've been busy with other non-sewing things, and I've been somewhat unmotivated to work on any of my projects. I did, however, keep referring back to my last post to see what I needed to be focusing on and ended up finishing the week on a pretty good note.

  1. Quilt three customer quilts. Yes. 

    The first one had a pieced back, which I thought was pretty cool
    The third quilt is quilted, but not trimmed. I'll share a photo tomorrow.
  2. Put binding on commission quilt. Yes. 
    I like it! I used light blue of the back, and I think Sue will really be happy with it.

  3. Make some more scissor cases, or maybe some potholders, depending on what I feel like doing. Yes, I got several scissor cases sewn and am in the process of sewing on snaps and buttons. 
  4. April and May RSC blocks. No. I cut out enough for a couple of yellow ones and a couple of pink ones, but I still need to sew them together.
  5. May Block of the Month. No.
  6. Crochet some dish cloths. Yes, some red ones.

I know I have some things I need to work on this week, and of course customer quilts to do. I need to keep things moving along with some kind of progress. 

  1. May block of the month.
  2. Finish scissor cases.
  3. April and May RSC blocks.
  4. Start a tee shirt quilt.
  5. Dish cloths or potholders.
Today I have a WELCA meeting which will include a luncheon. I'm not having time to cook anything for the luncheon, so I got a jar of picante sauce and a bag of tortilla chips. I also made some cookies, so those can go too.

And, here's a recent picture of the baby kitty.
He is so cute! 

I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt. Have a great week wherever you are reading this!


  1. I read that Victoria had ping-pong sized hail yesterday - hope it didn't affect you (or the sweet kitties!) Salsa and chips is my go-to snack, and I'll have some of those cookies too!!

    1. Yes, we did have some hail. As far as I can tell, I didn't get any damage, just lots of small limbs and leaves to pick up. Chips and salsa make a good snack; in fact, sometimes that is my supper!
