Friday, June 21, 2024


Happy Friday everyone! The weekend is right around the corner.

I have been busy for the last couple of days--trying to make up for lost time, I guess. I feel like I need the weekend off to rest, but unfortunately, I will need to work Saturday, and try to get some of these quilts done and out the door. I worked on this one today:
Beautiful fabrics on the front and the back. She told me it is her "casket quilt". Wow, that's a lot of responsibility to get this one perfect! She asked for an all-over quilt pattern in pink thread. 
The thread is Glide pink lemonade. I guess if it's for your casket, you might as well go all out and make a bold statement!  

While I was sorting scrap fabrics, I found several strips of seersucker. I sewed them together and made a top about 45" x 58".
The fabrics are brighter than this picture shows. I think it will be cute quilted with maybe a yellow binding. And, other than the backing and batting, it's a free quilt for donation. The seersucker has a nice feel to it, and it should quilt up well. I saved two of the strips to make a matching pillowcase. 

I quit a little early and went home because my back was hurting and I was tired. I wasn’t the only one who was tired. The dogs apparently stayed busy all day while I was gone.
We all went to bed early. 


  1. Casket quilt, wow! I haven't thought about seersucker in years, I bet it really does make a pretty quilt!

    1. LOL, my thoughts exactly! I remember making my daughter summer dresses from seersucker. It always looks like summer to me.
