Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Little More

I got a little more done on Saturday after my two-day break. I got some potholders finished.

Here’s a question for you. Does anyone use those hanging loops? I put one on the Halloween one, but not on the other two. I personally don’t use the loops; I don’t hang up my potholders. I keep them in a basket on top of the microwave, and I know my mom keeps hers is a drawer by the stove. Adding the loop is an extra step, and I don’t mind doing it if it’s needed, but I’m not sure anyone still uses them. Let me know what you think.

I got the binding done on this quilt.

I actually quilted this one a couple of years ago, and she recently brought it back to get it bound. The interesting thing is that it been laundered, and it’s very crinkly now. I trimmed tons of thread off the edges before I could sew the binding on. I can’t imagine why she laundered it before it was bound, but I’m not sure if I should ask her or not. I’m curious, but it’s probably none of my business. 

I got a quilt quilted, but I won’t have pictures until it is trimmed. 

Today is the fifth Sunday of the month, and my church does a pot luck meal on the fifth Sunday. For us, everything is an excuse to celebrate, and all celebrations include food! I had some over-ripe bananas, so I made some banana nut bread. 

I had four brown bananas so I made two loaves.

I admit I sampled a piece. LOL. The all-important taste test.

Once I slice it all up and put the slices on a tray, no one will know the difference. My neighbor wants a zucchini walnut loaf, but I didn’t have the energy to do anything more. Maybe later this week I can make her one. Her son came over yesterday and mowed and edged my front yard. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but he said it was because I do things for them. Well, I don’t expect to be paid back, but I was glad to have my yard looking nice without having to sweat. 


  1. I love the potholders; love the rooster fabric. No loop for me, please. I don't see any in my friends' or family's kitchen either. They are all tucked away somewhere. You may just say something like "I trimmed a lot of threads of the edges before adding the binding", (not a question, just stating the fact) and leave an "awkward silence" sit for a bit. Usually, people just fill up those silences and spill the beans. Or she will ignore your comment. Those loafs look so good. Yum! I have a couple of bananas ... mm, do I have sour cream ... ? You will make me bake today, lol. Your neighbor is very sweet. Some just take with nothing bake but a thank you. Enjoy your trimmed yard. ;^)

    1. Thank you for the comments! Here’s a tip—I didn’t have sour cream and I substituted cottage cheese. It worked out well.
