Monday, June 10, 2024

This is a quick post before I leave for vacation. I am mostly packed and ready to leave. I will need to take the two Jagdterriers

to the vet to be boarded. I dropped Ruthie off with Nichole last night, but I really can’t expect anyone to keep these two. They are a full-time job, and they don’t like to be separated, so boarding is the best choice, even though it’s expensive. 

The good news is that the latest t-shirt quilt was picked up Saturday, and they were happy with it. 

The back had the extra shirt:

I put a lot of work into it, and I was happy to see it go to its rightful owner. Now I will need to start another one as soon as I return from vacation. 

The oldest granddaughter turned seventeen Friday, and the other grandparents hosted a party at their house for Kat and 11 of her friends.

Everything was so nice….the girls made flower crowns and posed for glamour shots (paternal grandfather is a good photographer). I actually left early so I don’t know what else they did, but I think everyone had a good time. 

I was busy all day Sunday trying to get my house clean so I didn’t have to come back to a messy house, and getting my clothes packed. I thought I was done and realized I hadn’t packed any underwear! At least I remembered before I left. The cruise I am going on is a quilting cruise where you take your own sewing machine and supplies and your own projects. I managed to get three different projects cut out to work on. I primarily want to do the scrappy trips which is the summer challenge at, but I know myself, and I don’t like to only work on one thing. I will have an update when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. Your granddaughter is so pretty. That t-shirt quilt is a masterpiece! Have fun on your cruise!!
