Monday, June 24, 2024

Weekend Update

It was a good weekend! We got a little rain both Saturday and Sunday; not a lot, but enough to keep it from getting too hot. Of course the humidity was horrible, but I mostly stayed indoors. I was able to finish sorting through the scrap fabrics I was working on. While I was sorting, I found a ziploc with pink and black polka dot blocks. I laid them out to see how many were there and if I wanted to keep them or not. 

I found a decent sized piece of the pink and black to cut out some more squares. A couple of the pieced blocks were not the right sized, so I went through my stash and found some polka dot fabric. 

I made some nine patches and some double four patches.

The double four patches were fun—that may be an idea for next year’s rainbow scrap challenge. After I laid everything out (again), I realized I need two more. I’ll try and make two more of the double four patches today. Why is it that it is more fun to play with other people’s scraps than with your own? I need to cut some pink sashing, and I’ll have another free quilt. It will be square, and that’s not my favorite, but it will be okay. 

I had to go home a little earlier than I had planned because my feet were killing me. I usually wear shoes with insoles, but my sweet little grandson accidentally stepped on my foot with his soccer cleats. I have been wearing flip flops all week, and they don’t have enough support.

The swelling has gone down, but my big toe is still sore and discolored. I wore sandals to church Sunday, and I’m hoping I can wear some closed toe shoes today with my insoles.

My neighbor called Saturday and said she had thawed out a roast but her oven isn’t working. That’s where I come in. I told her I didn’t want to heat up my kitchen, but I would cook it in the Instant Pot if she was okay with that. I picked up the roast that evening along with some potatoes and carrots and cooked them Sunday afternoon. I kept enough for last night and tonight. 

I used the juice from the roast to make some gravy. Everything was good. I never fix roast because it is too much for just me, but this worked out pretty well. 

Linking to Design Wall Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your foot, but it looks pretty in those sandals. We love roast beef too, especially on sandwiches with Duke's!
