Tuesday, June 25, 2024


It makes me feel so good when I can get a lot done with minimal issues. Yesterday was one of those days. I finished a customer quilt and loaded another.
Of course, it was small so it didn’t take long to quilt. After that, I got the binding made for the two quilts I need to bind. 

I also got a couple of things ready to take to Bronte Bee today. 

I just need to appliqué the “Texas’s” down. The top one will be a pot holder, and the bottom one is a tea towel. I will only need to take my machine, thread, and scissors. Maybe a seam ripper. Bronte Bee is a bi-monthly guild activity where we meet in the Brontë room at the library to work on projects for the quilt show. I think it actually started as a community outreach where people could show up and guild members would give basic sewing instructions, but that was before my time, so I’m not sure. 

I was too tired to do much in the evening, but I did vacuum up about ten pounds of dog hair. It’s a wonder to me they have any fur left on their bodies. I saw this ad on Facebook 
Six-week old Jagdterrier available for his forever home.

I was tempted for a minute until I vacuumed all the dog hair off my family room floor and decided I don’t need another dog. He sure is handsome, though, and there’s nothing better than a puppy.


  1. Yay for days like that! That puppy is adorable. I get tempted like that too, then I remember having to take Boomer outside 3-4 times during the night - lol!

    1. He is so cute, but dogs are a lot of work, and I already have three!
