Friday, May 20, 2022

This and That

Not much sewing going on here…..I got the pieces cut out and some strip sets sewn for my grandson’s Mario quilt. I found some  fabric at Joanne, but my goodness, it feels like burlap or something. I’m not happy with the quality, but a promise is a promise.

I did get another QOV quilt loaded, but my motivation to start it is lacking.

This is what the top looks like. Someone in Longview, Texas pieced it, and it will look great once it’s quilted. I just need to get my quilting mojo back.

I cooked Bill’s favorite: beans and weiners for supper. It’s a good thing I am not a gourmet cook, as that is not how my husband prefers to eat. I did cook the pork and beans from scratch. That way I can control the sugar content. I cooked navy beans in the instant pot with some ham, then I diced the ham up with the beans and added sugar free syrup, ketchup, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce.

I also added some crumbled bacon. Of course, the ketchup has plenty of sugar, but it still is a lot less sweet than the pork and beans in a can.

I also fried some potatoes and cooked some cream spinach.

Bill was happy!


  1. Great quilt! And, I'm with Bill! our dinner looks awesome to me. My hubby would love it...well except for the spinach! He says vegetables are what food eats! LOL

    1. Lol! The spinach was an attempt to make it somewhat healthy!
