I had a pretty full list last week, but I purposely worded it so I didn't have to finish much. I used words like "work on" and "start piecing" so it was pretty easy to be successful. How did I do?
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
To-Do-List Tuesday 2-28-23
Monday, February 27, 2023
Part Two
I was finally able to download the rest of the pictures…..as I said yesterday, I didn’t take pictures of everything that was on display. Anyway, here is the remainder of the ones I did take.
I really don’t have a good grasp of what quilts were winners. I do know it was a judged show, but there weren’t ribbons or anything; at least not that I noticed. Tomorrow is to-do-list Tuesday, but I will try and show pictures maybe Wednesday or Thursday of what I bought. I know, I know, I wasn’t going to buy anything, but I kind of got caught up in the excitement.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Calhoun County Quilt Show
I know I keep calling it the Port Lavaca quilt show, but it is the Calhoun County quilt guild which includes Port Lavaca, but a few more small towns as well.
The highlight of the show for me was the presentation William Reue did. He is a fabric designer for Free Spirit, and also a Port Lavaca native. He had a very informative talk about how he turns his architecture background into fabric designs.
There were lots of nice quilts and about eight vendors, so it was a nice show. I didn’t take a lot of pictures; just my favorites. I am happy to share them here.
These are taking a little long to upload. I’ll add the rest tomorrow.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Moving Along
Spring fever is still hanging around. I have had some brief spurts of productivity followed by intervals of not wanting to do much of anything. I did some work on the pinwheel border for my border quilt. I also decided I didn't like the way the previous border "turned the corner",
and I snowballed the corners with more navy.
Just a small change, but I like it so much better.I found some large squares in my stash that I think were originally in a bunch of fabric I bought at the thrift store. There were nine of the 14" ones, and five 9" ones. I sewed the 14" ones into a top.
The sashing is some lavender that was left over backing from the keyhole quilt I did last month. I am trying to incorporate the 9" pieces into a border for the top and bottom to add to the length, and then I will add more of the lavender around the entire perimeter. It will be a basically no-cost charity quilt, and some more stuff is out of the stash. Win-win.My February quilt goal was put on the frame, and I got the last row quilted yesterday!
I had a goal to get it trimmed and get the binding made, but that will have to wait for another day. Today I will go to Port Lavaca for their quilt show. It will put me a little behind on the quilts I need to get done, but I am really looking forward to getting out and about for the day. Maybe tomorrow I will have some nice pictures to share.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
One Done
This one was on last week’s to-do list. The tops was made in the 70’s, and I quilted and bound it. I delivered it to the church today since the owner (Marilyn) is in my sewing group.
It’s about 80” x 104”. I can’t remember exactly. Marilyn’s mom sewed all her clothes, and this quilt is made from the scraps. The fabrics are really heavy—the backing fabric was also heavy—sort of a twill weave.
Marilyn has had the top and backing pieces in a box in her closet for all these years, and she decided it might not survive the next generation if it wasn’t quilted. In other words, the kids would find a box of unquilted fabrics in the closet after she is gone and throw it away. I hope she will be happy with the way this turned out.
I personally think it is hard to predict what our kids will value when we are gone. I know mine are much more likely to dispose of things than I am, and they don’t like a lot of things cluttering up their home.
Today I will be back in my shop after a brief break (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). I need to get some work done on the commission quilt I have, and there a couple of people who want to drop off things for me to quilt. I’m sure there are other thing I need to get done, but I can’t remember what they are.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
To-Do-List Tuesday 2-21-23
It’s been a week. I think I have pre-spring fever; I have been so exhausted, I took another nap yesterday. That’s two days on a row! I had a doctor appointment yesterday morning, and I have gained a little weight which does not make me happy. I have also had some numbness/tingling in my arms which I am pretty sure is a pinched nerve. I need to go for a cervical X-ray later this week.
How did I do on my to-do list? Some successes and some fails. Here’s the list:
Monday, February 20, 2023
A New Week

I took a little nap yesterday afternoon which I almost never do, but I was so tired. I slept about an hour before the dogs woke me up. I finally made it to the sewing room and got two more borders added to this one:
Next will be another spacer border, and then all those pinwheels I made at the beginning of this journey.