Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Mid Week and I’m Tired!

I think the heat has me more tired than I should be. Not sleepy, just lazy and unenergetic. I go to Cardio-rehab on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and that’s not helping either. I really wish I could do a different schedule, but I have to go when they have a doctor available, and apparently they only work three days a week. I went to Target Tuesday morning after rehab and bought myself a present. 

I haven’t had a hot air popper since college, and this one is on sale for $19.99. I’m generally reluctant to buy appliances that take up room on the counters, but this one is fairly small and I think I can find room in a cabinet. Just look at this beautiful bowl of popcorn.

It’s more than I can eat, but I put some in a ziploc. I’ll see if it’s still good tomorrow or not. I put a couple of pumps of spray butter and some Tony Chachere on the portion I did eat. I’m happy with it.

After my trip to Target, I got this one done:

While I was working on it, I opened a box I had gotten with 108” fabric bolts, and notice this one goes really well with the quilt.
I’m really not wanting to add another border, so I will keep it in mind for the binding. And, of course the backing.

I never did get yesterday’s post linked to the host’s blog. She hadn’t made a new post for several days, and there was nothing for the To-Do List Tuesday. I hope everything is okay with her. I wonder if I should email her?


  1. Yay on the air popper! We had popcorn for dinner last night. ;) Love the backing you chose for your flower quilt.
