Monday, September 25, 2023

Weekend Update

The Victoria Quilt Show took up most of my weekend, including Thursday and Friday. Sunday was church and then the Czech Fest, so not as much sewing time as I usually have. 

Czech Fest was fun; some of my high school friends were there, and also my mom. Here’s a picture of her.

My friend Sherry is on the right, and my mom on the left. And one of me.

Sherry is our official photographer. She takes pictures all the time. I’m pretty sure this will show up on Facebook with me looking all exhausted. LOL. There was lots of food, beer, and music. The Czechoholics were playing

and my favorite, the Red Ravens.
All ages were enjoying the music.

So, I don’t think I had mentioned that I got the charm pack I ordered to finish the border on the Birthday Cake quilt. And, finish it I did.

I like it a lot and am anxious to see it quilted. One of my dogs has lost her mind and thinks she is supposed to be in every quilt picture I take.
What a goofball. She’s cute though.

I worked on some more blocks for the latest charity quilt but don’t have enough to post yet. 

1 comment:

  1. My daughter-in-law grew up in Victoria going to Czech festivals/reunions on her Mom's side. Seems like they went to another town though. You and your Mom (and your friend) are lovely!
