I had a lot of appointments Thursday, so I was on the run all day, but yesterday, I doubled down and made some progress. I was able to load two charity quilts at the same time using the frankenbatting I made earlier in the week. The two quilts loaded side by side needed over 100" wide batting and I ended up stitching four pieces together plus adding two wider pieces to the bottom.
It was a real pain. Yuck! I use a wide serpentine stitch in neutral colored thread to stitch it together. Unfortunately, I need to conserve money where I can on the charity quilts. I had just enough batting and just enough backing for these.I tried a pattern I haven't used before--it's waves.
I like the pattern okay, but I didn't like the thread I used. About halfway through the quilt, it started breaking about every row. I had enough rows done, I didn't want to rip it out and start over with a different thread so I pushed through it. After I finished, the spool went straight into the trash can! It was very linty, and I think the lint was causing the breakage. I will have to take the throat plate off and clean really good around the hook before I attempt another quilt.
I also packed up some of the finished quilts with the available bags I had. I still need to make more bags and pillowcases.
I was lucky enough to find a dinosaur pillowcase at Goodwill which is a good match for this quilt, so that's one less I have to make. Here it is all packed up and ready to deliver:
When I was running around town Thursday, I stopped at Aldi, and they had raspberry Kringle!
They only had two left, and I bought both. I took one over to Julia's house, and she already had an almond one from Trader Joe's. I tasted it, and I have to say it is better than the Aldi one--in case you were wondering!I also got to see William's Christmas program. I wasn't sure if I would get through with an appointment in time to make it, but I did. He is the shepherd with the beard.
He had one line--"Come on sheep! Let's go." It was pretty funny.
What adventures you had with the quilting! I quilted a very badly sewn (by me!) little quilt for our littlest grands, and I picked a bobbin thread that came with the longarm. After I completely finished and laundered the quilt, I noticed some of the back threads were already coming apart. I guess the thread was too thin for the flannel I used - ugh why didn't I notice that! The Littles won't care but I may have to re-quilt it if it comes apart. :(
ReplyDeleteWilliam looks cute!
Oh, I was so glad to get them done and off the frame--it took a lot longer than it should have! I hope you don't have to completely requilt your quilt, but that may be the only option if the stitching doesn't hold. William was very proud of his costume and his speaking part. He had been practicing his line all week!