Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Little of This and A Little of That

No two days are alike here, and I guess that's a good thing. I've had this quilt hanging on the wall of my shop for a few months.

I like the warm red and gold colors of it. Anyway, some ladies came by Friday to see if I had a queen size quilt I could sell them for their church auction. I had a couple in mind that I had recently finished, but they asked to buy this one. It's a large queen so it fits their criteria. I really don't have a clue how to price quilts, but I totaled up the value of the quilting for a 90" x 90", the value of the binding, the batting and backing, plus a rough estimate of the fabrics used to make the top. I added $200 for my labor (for the piecing) and called it good.  They seemed happy with the price, and I was happy with the price, but I felt a little sad to let the quilt go. Not that I need it, and it is for a good cause. I hope it nets a lot of money for them.

The wall was looking a little bare, so I hung this one:

That's right--I finished my July UFO goal. I'm happy with the way it turned out, and it's another thing crossed off the list. The August one is hanging up, waiting for its turn to be quilted. 

I got a couple of customer quilts done in the last few days, and I have another larger one of the frame. This one

is one of the three yard patterns from Fabric Cafe. The lady has some old blocks her mother did, and she had piece on of them into the back as a remembrance.
I thought it was a cute way to use some of the older blocks.

This one was made by another lady for her granddaughter who raises chickens.
I really like all the chicken prints she used. They are quite pretty,
and, I love the back. It's gorgeous.
She's the same lady who gifted me all of the chicken potholders. I use this one as a trivet for my Healthy Choice frozen lunches:
I eat those frozen meals most days for lunch, and I was pretty excited to find a new one--or at least new to me. Carne Asada.
Do you think it looks as good as the picture? Haha. I don't think it does, but the taste is definitely not bad. Not as good as the Mexican restaurant across the street, but it's only 200 calories and full of vegetables like kale and squash, so it's healthier than anything from the restaurant. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the quilt sale, that is a gorgeous one! I did not know you had a shop. Those are some pretty awesome customer quilts. Enjoy your Sunday!
