Monday, January 22, 2024

Busy Week

There has been so much to do, but not a lot of stitching. Friday was the worst. I had a doctor appointment in the morning, a funeral in Seadrift at 11:00, and a basketball game at 4:00. It’s Serenity’s first year to play.

I took the picture from pretty far away and blew it up, so it’s not too clear. They won their game, but it was pretty close.

I went to an insurance seminar on Thursday—boring! It’s unreal what I pay every month for health insurance, and I still have a high deductible. I think there has to be a better answer, but I might have to sit through some boring seminars to figure out what it is. I am going to call some insurance agents and see if someone can beat what I am paying. Prior to retirement, I had the employer paid plan, and I was complacent and never educated myself on the different options. 

Wednesday I went to Corpus Christi to get the car serviced. That’s the closest dealer to me. Betty went with me, and we did some shopping. I found some fabric for the binding for the Oklahoma quilt. I like it so much better than the one I was going to use, and I will get it put on this week. I also found border fabric for this one.

I got the border added Saturday. I like it so much better with the border. 

Other than that, I’m working on customer quilts. I have a few more to finish, and some tee shirt quilts to make.

This morning I’m going to the gym, and then I’ll get back to work on the customer stuff.


  1. Serenity is a doll! Sounds like you had a really busy day. I really like border you chose for that quilt.
    You must not be old enough for Medicare supplements! We use United Health Care, and although they do have plans where you can pay a monthly premium, we always chose one with no monthly premiums, and most everything we do or have done is covered or has a low copay.

    1. I have the retiree insurance that was offered by the company I worked for. I should have done some research before I retired, but I didn't. Medicare is coming soon enough, and maybe that will be more economical than my current plan.
