Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January UFO

Yes, it’s the last day of January. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. I have been doing the American Patchwork and Quilting annual UFO challenge for a few years now, and it had worked for me. They have blank templates with numbered lists where you can write the 12 projects you want to work on. Every month they would publish a number, and you would work on the project on your list that had that number. This year, they offered the blank lists, but they are no longer selecting the monthly number. I figured I could make my list and just work on the projects in number order. I guess it’s not as motivating because I put it off all month. 

This top was made in August or September.

It’s a Villa Rosa pattern called Birthday Cake. I’m quilting it in a Baptist fan pattern with white thread.

It’s finished. I just need to trim it and bind it. I’m really wanting to bind it with the lavender color, and I may do that. Red or pink would be nice too. We’ll see.

I had lunch with Roger yesterday. 

I had a picture with both of us, but I accidentally deleted it. ☹️ Thursday is grandparents day at his school, but I already had plans so I went on Tuesday. 


  1. Roger is so cute! I still remember having lunch in the cafeteria with my granddaughter (now 20!). Birthday Cake is beautiful, love that border.

    1. Thanks Linda! I have had lunch at that same cafeteria with his sister who is now 16, and with his mother who is now 39.
