Tuesday, July 26, 2022

To-Do List Tuesday 7-26-22

Did I finish everything least week? Not totally, but progress was made. My number 1 was to finish four customer quilts, and I actually finished two. I wrote about it here. Number 2 was to piece and quilt charity quilts and get binding and pillowcases done for the others. Here’s what I got done:
I still need a pillowcase for the last one; I just need to see what I had left over from the piecIng.

Number 3 was to clean up the shop. I did do some cleaning but I kept messing it up again. I will need to put this one back on the list.

For this week:
Number 1: At least two customer quilts.

Number 2: Finish quilting the two quilts I left on the frame
and get them trimmed. It would be great if I could get them bound too, but not sure that will happen.

Number 3: Piece the quilt kit I bought last week. I got all the pieces cut over the weekend.

Number 4: Finish piecing two charity quilts. This one just needs borders 
and this one needs the blocks sewn together and borders put on

Number 5: Clean my shop, especially the sewing room.

I am linking up with TexasQuiltGal for To Do Tuesday.


  1. Hi Carolyn! I love the name of your blog! It sounds like you had a productive week. Good luck with this week's list. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks Roseanne! I hope you are having a good week.

  2. Maybe didn't get all the goals done but you've still made some good progress! Lots going on there!
