Friday, December 30, 2022

A Little Progress

I got the scrappy trips top quilted and got the binding made from the backing fabric I had trimmed off the finished top. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the binding put on yet. Maybe tomorrow. I may have been able to get more done, but Julia and I went out for lunch and since we were already downtown, we stopped at Mother Cluckers. 

Lots of cute things, but I only bought some wax melts for my scentsy burner. They do have the large bottles of Mexican vanilla, but I still have a little left so I will have an excuse to go back when mine is all gone. 

When I got back to the shop, I loaded a customer quilt and got a row of stitching done.

Isn’t this a cute panel? The animals look like coloring book images. I used a new pattern called Farm.

You can sort of see the motifs stitched out on the border: sheep, tractor, cow. I like the contrast of the light blue thread on the red fabric. I am happy to be back into customer quilts. Of course, I won’t be happy if I get a whole bunch and start getting overwhelmed. It definitely happens.

Tomorrow I will try to get a end-of-year review done. We’ll see if I can get myself organized enough to get it done.